Sunday, December 7, 2014

Does juice cause cavities?

Dentists warn that sugary drinks cause cavities. But do natural, organic or 100% fruit drinks do the same? 

A new study by the American Dental Association finds no significant association between the recommended daily serving of 100% fruit juice and tooth decay in children. Don't let these results confuse you. This rule counts only for one serving of 100% juice, one time each day. The photo below is 6 oz. of juice-- that's one serving. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children ages 6 and under can have one serving each day. Older children can have two servings a day.

I promise that children who are drinking juice (instead of water) throughout the day are at a very high risk for tooth decay. The risk escalates if you provide the juice before bed and don't brush after. Juice should only be provided in a cup, never in a bottle or sippy cup. So remember, a small cup of juice at mealtime is not found to cause tooth decay, but it should not replace water throughout the day.

Vargas CM, et al. Early childhood caries and intake of 100 percent fruit juice: Data from NHANES, 1999-2004. J Am Dent Assoc. 2014 Dec;145(12):1254-61.

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