Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Are "sugar-free" drinks bad for your teeth?

A great article by the Washington Post was recently posted on the dental risks of sugar free drinks and candy. While everyone knows that sugar can cause cavities, most people realize that it's actually acid that's the culprit. Eating sugar creates an acidic environment in your mouth, which causes cavities. So why are many sugar-free foods bad for teeth? Because they are highly acidic and create the same problems in teeth as candy. For example, while you may be drinking a "diet" or "sugar-free" soda, that drink can contain phosphoric or citric acid which can work to destroy the enamel of your teeth. What's nice about the article in the link below, is that it shows the acidity of some very common drinks.

The Myth of Sugar Free Drinks

Another common misconception is that little amounts of sugar are better for teeth than large amounts. The amount of sugar is not important, it is the FREQUENCY of sugar/acid consumed that effects teeth. For example, it is better for your teeth to drink an entire can of soda in one sitting, than to have small sips of that soda throughout the day. With frequent exposure of sugar/acid, the teeth never have a chance to recover.

So what to do? Unfortunately, the solution is boring. Drink water. It's the best thing for your diet and your teeth.

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